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Eleanor and Park (Review)

By 08:11 , , , , , , , ,

Just finished reading Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell and I'm just gonna say that THIS BOOK IS SUCH A CLIFFHANGER!!! I can't deal with... I kind of just

A book like this gives me book hangover.

But as I've said, this is a review... so here you go.

First, I'm going to start with Park. This stupid weird Asian kid who turns out to be this perfect guy with skin so honey, cute eyes and just has a heart that just loves you wholly, just the way you are. Like he kinda doesn't fit in with the other kids but still... I love how he's so vocal about his feelings and the way they started on the bus! I thought that was soooo cute. Their relationship developed and it was just like bliss for them to be with each other. You know, they're better together.

(c) rkocenaholic23
Eleanor is the girl you see yourself in the past, like somehow you can relate to her. She's this insecure girl with a lot going on in her plate. I mean life really hands her some awful shit, but she's just trying to deal with it by herself, but then comes Park, she didn't want to involve him with the mess. So she tries to keep her sunshine with Park just between them, but little did she know that you sometimes have to open up so that people could reach out to you.  
With Park, she feels so paranoid about their relationship but later becomes more comfortable. I mean there are a lot of giddy moments for me, when they first held hands and stuff. I mean :""">

I didn't like how Eleanor acted at first, in the start of their relationship, how she was so insecure about herself and unsure of Park. Park here was just trying to show her how much he likes her and still she feels doubtful.
(I can relate so much to this... and I just can't!)

But as time passed they became more comfortable with each other, watching TV side by side, Eleanor staying at Park's house and stuff... and I just LOVED Park's family! I mean, that was the best part, his mom and dad's relationship. Like after all this time, they're still into each other and I love how his dad was so keen on making Eleanor feel like she was welcome in the family. Park's mom though, at first she didn't like Eleanor, but after knowing how Eleanor was raised, she understood her and I thought it was so cute that his mom make-over'ed her up with Park's help. :)

(Picture I found at Tumblr.)
On how the book ended, I was kind of robbed by the happy ending I always suspect. But this just leaves you hanging! I'm satisfied but I'm kind of not... but I am happy with the ending just like that. Gives you time to ponder about how the story ended. I kind of thought it was Eleanor's first "I LOVE YOU" to Park. But I read in somewhere that it can be also, "Nothing Ever Ends" just like the last words on their favorite comic book Watchmen. I kind of want both to be the words in the postcard.

It's definitely a good read. Beautifully written Young-Adult novel. :)

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