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Divergent Series: Book(s)/Series Review!!!!

By 10:34 , , , , , , , , ,

*Somebody hold me please*

Dear Veronica Roth, WHY?! WHY? John Green and you should be kept in detention so that you realize what you've done. Say sorry. I'm kidding though, don't. But seriously.

Back to what I was going to do. I was going to lay it out on you book by book, but I just can't stop reading once I've started. I've slayed through that book series page by page and I'm not even sorry.

First, I'm going to start by saying that Veronica Roth's writing style is amazing. It's sort of fast paced but still, you kinda just inhale her words and feel everything she writes. Everything's just amazing. :) Well, I first watched the movie before I even got to read the book and now that I read it, I'm in the Divergent fandom now as well.

The five factions kinda exist in your world after you read the book. You even identify yourself into one or more, (means you're divergent!!) and you get swallowed whole by the series and you kinda just let it happen.

The characters also, you can't help but love them! You practically find bits of them that makes them who they are as a person that you can't help but love them. It makes you understand people, emotions and everything.

Tris Prior's or Beatrice Prior's character is just so admirable from all her abilities and characteristics. I love the way she was able to love despite all that has happened to her. She's strong and I absolutely idolize her so much for that. She's my heroine. It makes me want to be strong and brave and selfless and kind and smart and everything.

*cue the fangirl sighs*
I didn't think it was possible to love a number <4 Hahaha! But here he is! The proof! :)

Tobias Eaton A.K.A Four was the mysterious guy at first then went on to becoming this knight in shining armor (even though Tris didn't need one bc she was tough on her own) with a hint of sensitivity but with a horrid past behind him. He's just the character that makes you fall over time when you read more and more about him. He's moving on and staying strong after everything that's happened. You can't help but admire him.

I loved the way they found each other... how they loved, fought, forgave, LOVED (I know I'm repeating but yeah suck it) each other. Even though they thought that being with each other is bad, it isn't. It's like what Tris said that they become better versions of themselves with each other. I just.... you can't help yourself from shipping them! YOU JUST CAN'T!

The other characters, I can't even start to explain one by one, because I feel like I may as well write a review about as long as a book! They are profoundly amazing. All of them. Even though, you may hate some, you kind of just let go when the characters are doing so as well.

I mean, this series takes you on an adventurous journey that makes your heart burst with all sorts of emotions at times. I'M JUST FULL OF EMOTIONS RIGHT NOW. Book hangover much? But I love this series... I'm just discovering that, my heart will forever be etched by this.
(I can't thank Veronica Roth enough for writing this series.)

P.S. The movie was great too!

So... I strongly suggest you read it! And after you read it, go watch it! :)

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